Monday, September 28, 2009


Photographers that I found in the PhotoNow folder on the computer in the lab:
Bérubé-photographs of children. whimsical lighting. holga! for dreamlike quality.
Chamberlin-images of people interacting with technology. captivated by screens. eerie. still.
Connell-photoshopped images. same model twice in same location. interactions with self. social norms/preferences?
DuBois-family. relationships. play of emotions. passage of time. not routine. just moments.
Glickman-dc metro. :) awkward interactions. taboo. strangers who know each other.
Hanasik-relationships between close people. how you are allowed to be yourself with room for growth.
Heykants-pop art. pop culture. views of women. hmmm. i don't know how i'd do this but the images are ace.
Pinney-moments. family. passage of time. if you take pictures long enough you get something truthful/mysterious.
Rinnhofer-renaissance images. christian idols with pop culture references today? maybe i could do things vaguely renaissance but add odd little things: ipod headphones, a cell phone, whatever. something to be like oh wait it's today.
Skarbakka-constant state of falling.
Smithson-whistler's mother. lmao. i could pick another painting or continue with this. very interesting. pliable.

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